Ardtrea for his pastoral support and to Mrs Breid Campbell for the beautiful music during the Requiem Mass. A special word of thanks to St. Colm's High School, Draperstown, for the guard of honour outside the Chapel. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions. Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on her soul. We would like to thank family, friends, neighbours and all those who helped in anyway. Mums' month mind mass will celebrated on Friday 6, Annes Months Mind Mass will be celebrated on Sunday 1st of January at 12 noon in Church of Our Lady of the Assumption, Magherafelt. To the District Nursing team, carers, Marie Curie and the NI Hospice who all helped look after Eileen with great kindness and compassion. contact us at McCusker Bros today. September at 7pm in St Marys Church, Bellaghy. To everyone who send Mass cards, sympathy cards or called at the house during the wake and to visit Richard before his death. Our thanks to McCusker Bros. for your help and professionalism through this difficult time. JAMES MCMULLAN & SON Independent Funeral Directors Ballymoney & Kilrea James McMullan & Son are independent Funeral Directors in Ballymoney, Co. Antrim. Add a free photo. Thanks also to the gravediggers for preparing Doloress final resting place. We appreciate the spiritual support given by Canon McWilliams and his celebration the of Requiem Mass. We the family of the late Frank McCloskey would like to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation to everyone who sympathised with us during our sad loss. Gates, Fr. Thank you to all our friends at ODonovan Rossa GAC for the beautiful food (supplied by LJs), refreshments and hospitality served to us, and for their assistance throughout the wake. As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually who supported us during this difficult time, a mass will be offered for everyone's intentions, and we hope this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our sincere appreciation. Thanks to FP McCanns (Joe Tonner) for helping with the traffic and signage. We the family of Madeleine O'Neill would like to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to everyone who sympathised with us during our recent sad bereavement. Mums months mind mass will celebrated on Friday 20. McCusker Bros are a independently owned funeral directors serving the Magherafelt area. We, the family of the late Eileen Mitchell, R.I.P. We would like to convey special thanks to the many wonderful people and carers who helped look after mummy in her final years. Call us on 028 2766 2265 (24 hours). Arrangements are by Basagic Funeral Homes in Petersburg, W.Va. Doris Miller Rosenberger, 92, of Harrisonburg, died Sunday, June 13, 2021, at Oak Lea of Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community. January 2023 at 7.30pm in the Church of Our Lady of the Assumption, Magherafelt. We would like to thank the emergency services who were present on the morning that Anne passed, also to Fr Gates and all the family, friends and neighbours who supported and offered countless gestures of kindness and practical assistance during this most difficult time. We have been overwhelmed by the support and kindness shown to us from our family, friends, amazing neighbours, the parish and the whole community. Also James McCoy the grave digger. December at 7.00pm in St Marys Church Craigavole. Also a special thank you to all the doctors and nurses involved in mums care from the Diamond medical center ,O'Briens Pharmacy and Marie Curie. Our thanks also to the McCusker Brothers for all your compassion, professional help and support throughout this difficult time. Families can raise charitable donations in memory of their loved one with payments made directly to the charities. We trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our sincere appreciation. Pelkey and Son Funeral Home in Kittery, ME. Thank you to everyone who attended and assisted throughout the wake. Jun 14, 2021 0 Kenneth Allen "Kenny" Nichols, Sr., age 68, of Petersburg, W. Va., died Saturday, June 12, 2021, at his residence. To the Priests and clergy from Magherafelt Parish who attended mummy so diligently, to Fr Juan who celebrated and spoke so eloquently at her funeral mass, and to Fr gates who attended her wake each night to offer prayers and comfort. If for any reason you cannot find the person you are searching for, it may be because we are waiting for the funeral arrangements to be finalised. You can call us at any time on 028 2766 2265. Thank you also to the staff in C4 , C5 and the Stoma team in Antrim Area Hospital for the very good care and attention given to daddy while he was in hospital. Thank you to the Parish centre, Magherafelt for the use of their facilities and to all those who helped serve refreshments following the burial. We would especially like to thank all the carers from One to One Home Care who looked after and provided the highest standard of care for our mother. Richards partner, children and brothers would like to express our sincere thanks and heartfelt appreciation to all who sympathised with us during our recent bereavement. We extend our thanks to our supportive family circle, friends and the wider community for all the mass cards, sympathy cards, phone calls, floral tributes, messages of sympathy and tributes on social media. At McCusker Bros in Magherafelt, we believe in providing a service to help ensure arrangements are as stress free as possible, leaving you free to be with your family and friends. Finally, a special word of those thanks to those special friends and neighbours who were so good to daddy and kept his home filled with craic and laughter every week. The Dignity Memorial brand name is used to identify a network of licensed funeral, cremation and . View all obituaries . We the family of the late Margaret O'Neill wish to express our gratitude and sincere appreciation to everyone who sympathised with us after the loss of our mother Margaret and to acknowledge all those who attended the wake and funeral, sent mass cards, sympathy cards, and floral tributes. His remains will leave 69 Knocknacarry Road, Cushendun on Saturday for 2pm Requiem . We especially would like to thank everyone who helped throughout the wake, sent mass cards, sympathy cards and those who attended the wake and funeral. Thank you to Enda and Tom of McCusker Brothers Funeral Directors for the dignified and. are warmly invited to attend his. wish to acknowledge the many expressions of sympathy and kindness shown to us recently on his death. Thanks to Mc Cusker Bros. Funeral Directors for the dignified and professional manner in which they carried out the funeral arrangements. As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, we hope this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our appreciation and gratitude. We would also like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank the McCusker Bros Funeral Directors for their compassion and the professional manner, in which they carried out the funeral arrangements. Richards months mind Mass will be on Friday 11th November at 7.30pm in St. Patricks Church Glen. To all those gathered outside the home, attended the funeral mass and joined via webcam, your presence was greatly appreciated. We miss your smile, your heart of gold and the laughter and love you gave. would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who sympathised with us during our recent bereavement. It is impossible to thank everyone individually please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our appreciation. Thank you to the cousins and family circle whose help during the wake and funeral was invaluable. We are overwhelmed by the support and kindness shown to us by family, friends, neighbours, and throughout our Parish. We especially would like to thank everyone who brought food, telephoned, called to the home, sent Mass, sympathy cards & flowers, posted messages through social media and attended the funeral or helped in any way. Michaels month's mind mass will be celebrated on Monday 2nd January 2023 at 7.30pm in the Church of Our Lady of the Assumption, Magherafelt. He will be sorely missed. Also To the Gribbin girls for their beautiful music which complimented the funeral mass. As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually who supported us during this difficult time, a mass will be offered for everyone's intentions, and we hope this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our sincere appreciation. Also present on the altar was Fr Donnelly PP Ballinderry Parish. McCusker Bros Funeral Directors | Magherafelt. Family Notices. Hide Menu . To M Js Floral inspirations for her attention to detail in the flower arrangements and Geoffrey Mahwinney and the Church of Ireland for the chairs etc. Our aim is to carry out your requests with the utmost dignity and attention to detail. Lots of love from Sharon, Michael, Dominic, Kieran and Hannah. Keaney for his support and the beautiful funeral mass and to Roisin McIvar and colleagues for the lovely music and singing. Thanks to Fr. Please Share We regret to inform you that the death has taken place of Angela McCrory R.I.P. As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust this acknowledgment will be a token of our sincere appreciation. Thank you to Fr. To the excellent managers and staff of the Malaysian Manor, especially Ken. We are deeply thankful to Fr. We would also take this opportunity to sincerely thank McCusker Bros Funeral Directors for their compassion and the professional manner in which they carried out the funeral arrangements. We have taken comfort from all your support. offers a place for people all over the UK to keep the memories of their loved ones alive. Thank you to everyone who offered prayers, sent cards, messages of sympathy, floral tributes or attended the wake and funeral. We thank everyone who attended the funeral, both in person and via webcam. PRE-PAID FUNERAL PLANS. We are deeply thankful for the spiritual support provided to mummy and ourselves by Monsignor OByrne, Fr. We're fully qualified and experienced in all aspects of funeral services, including: To discuss your specifications in detail, please Also To the Gribbin girls for their beautiful music which complimented the funeral mass. st-patricks-church-maghera - MCN ( Months mind Mass for Padraig will be held on Wednesday 23rd November at 7.30pm in St Patricks Church Castledawson. Son of the late Michael & Angela Wall, (Brandon Road, Drimnagh). To Fionnuala Nugent and Owen Gallagher for organizing and recording the funeral mass. Thanks to everyone who attended the wake, sent Mass and sympathy cards, letters, sent messages via text and social media, sent flowers, made and brought food and helped during the wake. We the family of the late Annabella McNabb (Nee Wright), Wish to express our sincere gratitude and deep appreciation to all who sympathised with us following the passing of a much loved mother, grandmother, great grandmother, great great grandmother and aunt. Death Notices; Legal; Show Menu. Mums' month mind mass will celebrated on Friday 6th January 2023 in Our Lady of the Assumption, Magherafelt at 7.30pm, and will be streamed live on the church webcam, OHagan for officiating at mummys committal. Our sincere thanks to Fr Mc Girr (Desertmartin), Fr Eamonn Finnegan S.M.A who attended the family home and offered prayers and spiritual support to the family. Do not copy any content (including images) without our consent. Months mind mass will be celebrated on Thursday 10th November at 7.30pm in the Total amount raised in lieu of flowers for Kilronan School is 650. The daughters of the late Patrick Joseph McPeake R.I.P along with their mother and all members of his family circle wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to all those who sympathised with us during our recent sudden bereavement. We would like to thank the emergency services who were present on the morning that Brendan passed, Fr Fox and those who came to support our family. J. Thank you to Briege and her team of catering staff for the beautiful refreshments provided for everyone after daddys Funeral. in St. Trea's Church Newbridge. 4775 Obituaries. STRINGER FUNERAL HOME INC. Who We Are. Also a special thankyou to Dr Johnston and the nurses involved in mums care, to the staff from Gribbons Chemist Toome and to Antrim Area Hospital.We are deeply thankful for the spiritual support provided to our mother by Canon P McWilliams,and for celebrating her beautiful requiem mass and to Frances who always called with communion.To the Gribbon sisters for the beautiful music.Thanks to Enda and Tom of McCusker Bros Funeral Directors for the dignified and professional Manor in which they carried out the funeral arrangements. Death Notices; Browse Categories. We are very grateful for the spiritual support and guidance provided by Fr John Gates and Fr Juan Borallo and the celebration of the Requiem Mass. A special thanks to Father Fox and Deacon Kevin for their celebration of the funeral mass. Mrs Marlene McLernon. You are always in our thoughts and prayers dad. We, the family of the late John ODoherty who died on 22nd September 2022 wish to express our deepest thanks and appreciation to all those who supported and sympathised with us on the sad loss of John. We're available 24-hours a day, and are here to guide and support you through ever aspect of planning a funeral. A special thank you to the District Nurses, care workers, Antrim Area and Belfast City Trust staff for the help given to Madeleine and us as a family. As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust this acknowledgment will be a token of our sincere appreciation to everyone. We thank everyone who attended the funeral and via the webcam. Our thanks also to Mervyn for the access to the field for carparking. replaces one letter. We trust this acknowledgment will be accepted as a token of our appreciation. The perfect farewell. It would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we hope this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our appreciation. Our sincere thanks to Fr Sean Larkin who celebrated Joes Requiem Mass, Fr Martin McArdle P.P. We would like to thank family, friends, neighbours and all who helped in any way. An amazing charity that showed great compassion and support to our family during this tragic time and brought him safely home to us. Jean Phelps McCusker, age 75, of Carlisle, passed away peacefully at home on Monday, January 16, 2023. of Tamworth and District. Harrys Month Mind Mass will be celebrated in St Johns Church Granaghan on Saturday 19th November at 7pm. Thank you to Father Juan for his spiritual support and for celebrating mass and to Una McGill for the beautiful music. November at 6.15pm in the The Mc Mullan Family. Funeral from McCusker Bros Funeral Home Garden Street Magherafelt on Wednesday 28th December at 11.30am for 12.00noon Requiem Mass in Church of St. John Milltown, interment afterwards in adjoining cemetery. Thanks to the Magherafelt Respiratory team for the care they provided to Daddy during his illness and the staff of Anita Gribbins chemist. Thanks to Briege ONeill and all the catering staff that helped with the serving of the food after the burial. Funeral Services; Funeral Notices; Acknowledgements; First Steps of Planning A Funeral; Contact; . Thank you to Watty Graham's Glen GAA Club for the use and preparation of the club hall and beautiful food served. 143143 60 Comments 8 Shares Share. Loving wife of the late Brian, mum to Mark, Karen, Lisa and mother in law to Joanne, Stevie and Scott. Thanks to all those who came to pay their respects; the guards of honour from the schools and Michael Davitts Camogie Club - is something that we will never forget. Your advice, support and guidance was appreciated. Thank you to Enda and Tom of McCusker Brothers Funeral Directors for the dignified and professional manner in which they carried out the funeral arrangements Thanks to all who took care in preparing the grave. Accept this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our Lady of the funeral Mass and via... Ourselves by Monsignor OByrne, Fr and Deacon Kevin for their celebration of the Malaysian Manor, especially Ken the... Remains will leave 69 Knocknacarry Road, Cushendun on Saturday for 2pm Requiem and to Richard... ( 24 hours ) the late Michael & amp ; Angela Wall, ( Brandon,... Final years funeral ; Contact ; staff for the dignified and a independently owned funeral Directors serving the Respiratory. 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